has won the
2005 Hong Kong Awards for Industries : Consumer Product Design Award -
2nd runner-up :
EMS PRODUCTION LTD. is specialized in TV game
accessories. Since EMS has been established in 1993, we have designed and
produced many creative products with the latest technologies. Upon years of
hardworking, we gain the support of many customers.
In last year (2005), we started to develop the 1st ALL-SCREEN lightgun so as to
match the needs of the market. Within only several months, our
LCD TopGun was
successfully developed and released to the market, which is commended and
recognized by many buyers and gamers over the world.
In the same year, we attended the competition of “2005 Hong Kong Awards for
Industries: Consumer Product Design Award” with our LCD TopGun. This award is
the premier awards scheme – the only awards championed by the HKSAR Government.
After several judgments and the final judgment by seven jurors, the LCD TopGun
won as the runner-up amount 141 entries. The Final Judging Panel said that, the
LCD TopGun won this award for its useful functions, effectiveness, creativeness
and high technology. And it is more important that LCD TopGun could match the
trend of the market. The presentation ceremony was hold on 27th Feb, 2006 at the
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The Chief Executive of the HKSAR
government – Mr. Donald Tsang and several officers have attended this ceremony.
The Chairman of “Federation of Hong Kong Industries” - Mr. Kenneth Ting awarded
the “Consumer Product Design Award” to EMS Production Ltd. Our LCD TopGun is
recognized as an awarded product by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries. The
logo of the “Consumer Product Design Award” could be found on the EMS LCD TopGun
box to indicate this honor.
榮獲2005 香港工商業獎 :
由 1993年成立以來, 主力是遊戲機週邊產品開發, 設計及採用新的電子技術, 生產各式各樣有創意產品, 多年來得到各顧客的支持.
在2005年度, 本公司為配合市場需求, 研發
LCD TopGun, 在短短數月便把產品研發成功及推出市場, 並得到世界各地買家,
用家支持, 認同及讚賞. 同年EMS參加了由香港工業總會主辦的 "香港工商業獎" 之消費產品設計比賽, 此比賽是特區政府唯一認可的獎項, 由141名參加者中,
經過多次評審, 及最終評審, 由 7名委員會選出, 結果 LCD TopGun榮獲第二名. 評判分析產品得獎原因, 主要是功能及效用標準, 配合科技革新,
有創意及追貼科技潮流. 舉行頒獎儀式在 2006年2月27日香港會議展覽中心舉行, 由香港特別行政區行政長官曾蔭權及多位香港官員出席頒獎典禮,
並由香港工業總會主席太平紳士丁午壽親手頒發獎座與 EMS. LCD TopGun被香港工業總會認可為得獎產品, EMS LCD TopGun 包裝品盒上會貼有
"消費產品設計獎" 的標誌, 以確認這份榮銜.
Click here to see
the reports on different newspapers.
Click here to see the congratulation letter from HKBC.
EMS Production Ltd has an interview with Ming Pao reporters.
Please see the following links for details.
怡汛有限公司接受明報的訪問, 詳情留意以下網頁連結.
Label of "2005 Hong Kong Awards for Industries : Consumer Product Design Award"
2005 Hong Kong Awards for Industries : Consumer Product Design Award
"2005 Hong Kong Awards for Industries" presentation ceremony
The booth of EMS LCD TopGun
Contact us : sales@hkems.com