How to use Double Power , 4M/16M Vms with DC linker ? ¤¤¤å

DC linker for DOUBLE POWER ,4M/16M VmsR.gif (1395 bytes) 1.3

RedBar.jpg (5546 bytes)

Using DC linker with the DOUBLE POWERR.gif (1395 bytes), you can copy the memory card , save the memory card data as a file, Edit the save, set a capture pictre to your save card.....

RedBar.jpg (5546 bytes)

Preview.GIF (18196 bytes)

  1. Edit & Disassembly Button.
  2. Slot 1 & Slot 2 Reflesh Button.
  3. Option Button.
  4. Quit Button.
  5. ProgressBar.
  6. Slot 1 Saver Viewer.
  7. Slot 2 Saver Viewer.
  8. Opened File Viewer.
RedBar.jpg (5546 bytes)
     The function of DOUBLE POWERR.gif (1395 bytes) :
Reflesh card & open DCM fileClick.gif (3258 bytes)
Upload, Backup & copy the DC memory card dataClick.gif (3258 bytes)
The concept of the DCM & DCI file formatClick.gif (3258 bytes)
Save Icon picture & Open Bitmap file as your memory card caption pictureClick.gif (3258 bytes)

Edit the saved memory card fileClick.gif (3258 bytes)

DPHelp1.jpg (5546 bytes)
      Option Menu :

Set parallel portClick.gif (3258 bytes)

Set Delay timingClick.gif (3258 bytes)

RedBar.jpg (5546 bytes)

Tip.gif (1623 bytes)

Tips for using DC linker for Double PowerClick.gif (3258 bytes)

RedBar.jpg (5546 bytes)


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