Games page


想點玩, 就點玩, 由你話事!!

電腦版本支援Cha Cha Amigo的遊戲現已面世! 即將亦會有更多新遊戲放上本網任君選擇隨便下載. 期待已久的source code將全面披露!! 讓你可自由發揮寫出屬於自己的遊戲. EMS歡迎你地將你地o既傑作email俾我地放上網一同分享, 一同遊戲!
(遊戲一經 接納,可得 EMS 精美禮品乙份,禮品可連同訂購貨品一同寄出,或憑換領信親臨EMS公司領取)

Play your game, your way!

Now you can play Cha Cha Amigo on computer! With our Cha Cha Amigo game available for download anytime. Coming soon are more games for you to choose from. What's more? The source code will be revealed for you to write your own game!

EMS welcomes you to send in your masterpiece and we'll post your game on our website to share all the fun!
If we accept your game, we will send you back a mini gift.(We will send the gift to you together with the goods in the next order, or you can visit our company with the redemption letter to get the gift)



(1) Pc game Cha Cha  AMIGO (beta version) 28-05-2004    (Design by EMS)

         ---AMIGO pictures----           


(2) PC  Sand Hammer   (beta version) 23-06-2004  (Design by EMS)

     ---  Hammer   pictures----            

(3)  PC Drum  (beta version)  15-07-2004  (Design by EMS)

    ------Drum picture -----  

(4)    PC chacha game    13-08 2004 (Design by EMS)


Support   EMS  products:  Trio Linker         EMS USB2       Cha Cha Amigo


**本網 頁遊戲版權由設計者擁有,並自願提供給本網頁共享, 遊戲未經設計者書面同 意,請勿用作非法或買賣用途. Copyrights of the games on this website belong to their designers which have voluntarily supplied the game to this website for sharing. Without written authority by designer of game, please do not illegally buy or sell.

**若有同類遊戲或冒充作品而引 發之版權爭議事項,均與 本公司 及本網頁無 關.
If there are any alike or pirate games causing copyright conflicts, this website or company is not involved in any way.

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